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The SavvyCast

Jun 26, 2020

In this episode of The SavvyCast, enneagram expert Jordan Jones helps Sarah Shea Hill determine if she is an enneagram type 6 or 9.

In this episode of The SavvyCast, our enneagram expert Jordan Jones helps guest Sarah Shea Hill, try to discover her Enneagram type. Sarah Shea is stuck between an Enneagram 6 (“The Loyalist”) and Enneagram 9 (“The Peacekeeper”). 

In this episode we talk about:

  • How Sarah Shea knows she is NOT a type 8 or 4, and the reasons why she believes she is not those types.
  • How Enneagram 9’s tend to focus SO much on what others want that they’re left unsure of what they want for themselves.
  • The differentiation between a type 6 and a type 9.
  • How certain types tend to procrastinate more than others.


The Road Back to You: An Enneagram  Journey to Self-Discovery 

Enneagram test:

  • You can follow Jordan on Twitter @fifthletterllc 
  • or contact him at for seminars, retreats, and events.

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