Oct 30, 2020
In this episode of The SavvyCast, you'll learn why Babypalooza is the BEST resource for any new or expectant mom.
Family Savvy is all about sharing fabulous resources related to home and family. Babypalooza is one of the best resources I have found for new and expectant moms. When I was pregnant, the options for moms were few, and mostly local. My community was basically my church and friend group. Today, moms have the ability to connect across the nation with each other, and with the best products, services, and resources for birth through preschool.
In this week’s episode ot The SavvyCast, my guest is Cecilia "CC" Pearson, founder of Babypalooza. She shares why and how she started Babypalooza and how it has grown over 15 years. She shares the myriad ways Babypalooza helps new and expectant moms.
Known by many as "Baby Lady," Cecila "CC" Pearson is the founder of Babypalooza. A Birmingham native and resident, she has spent 15 + years building one of the largest and most comprehensive resources available to new and expectant moms.
Babypalooza is a hub of information, resources, and connection for new and expectant moms. It offers a traditional magazine, an online magazine, and an app that connects moms anywhere and everywhere who desire community. There is no more comprehensive resource to help moms stay informed and connected from birth through preschool.
Resources related to this podcast.
I hope this is something you will share with any new or expectant mom. Feel free to reach out with any questions. As always, be blessed, and stay savvy!!!