Aug 30, 2019
My Secure Family helps parents build strong relationships with kids~early~that will make children less likely to succumb to online or other sexual dangers.
Raising kids is one of the hardest, but most important jobs, that we parents will ever do. It has never been an "easy" job to raise kids, but never has it been more difficult. In the age of technology, online dangers, and rampant pornography, we parents (grandparents, teachers) have a daunting job.
When we parents try to protect our kids from online dangers, it is almost impossible to "keep up" with the dangers. New apps, hidden apps, and all sorts of things pose dangers to our kids that we are often not even aware of. Because of this, we parents are often looking for someone to help us be informed, aware, and proactive in stepping up to the plate. But how do we talk to our kids about these things without building walls?
The My Secure Family initiative was launched by Tray & Melody Lovvorn, founders of Undone Redone, as a tool for parents raising children in the world of technology. My Secure Family is a prevention and protection initiative that equips parents to protect their children from the dangers of the digital age.
In this round table discussion, Tray, Melody, Jamie and Deanna discuss a few of the following topics.
Resources for Further Help: Helps spouses through sexual brokennes. Equips parents to protect kids from online dangers.